Saturday, September 19, 2009

Hi, I decided to try using this machine more by sending out little observations from time to time. It will probably take some time before I get comfortable with it, but I was so impressed with Dorothy"s story of their camping trip through Idaho and eastern Oregon, that I thought it might be worthwhile trying it myself. (not the camping part, but the blogging part). Marie is trying to help me over the phone. I think we are succeeding because she received the first part. Now she is trying to send it out to you. This harder than I think it should be.


  1. Well, go Mom! You're ahead of me here. I don't have a blog, and don't know if I will. But good for you. I look forward to reading your posts.

  2. You did it! I'll add you to my list of "bloggie" friends and keep up with all your adventures!

  3. Good for you, Paulene. The computer part will get easier as you do it more. I look forward to reading about your 'perils'

  4. Go Mom! I tried to blog at one time. After I noticed it had been a year since my last post, I stopped. But good for you!
